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In-House Dental Lab

Same Day Teeth

If you had an accident and knocked out a tooth or have a tooth that needed to be extracted, our dental lab can create a temporary appliance on the same day so you don’t have to go without your tooth!

In-House Dental Lab in Fresno Dentist Office

Quality Care with a Quick Turnaround

Your choice for same day teeth in Fresno, CA


Save Time

One of the perks of having an in-office dental lab is that we are able to have quicker turnaround time for the next step in your treatment. Most other offices have to send out to an outside lab that can add a week or more! Thankfully, in our office, most procedures can be completed in a timely manner.


Repairs Fast

With our in-house dental lab, we are most often able to do same-day repairs. You can wait or go run an errand; repairs are usually finished in about one hour!


Multiple Fittings in 1 Day

We are able to save you trips to our office with multiple fittings in one visit. If you come from a long distance or have difficulty taking time off work or school, we can schedule you in a way that makes the most out of your time off. Depending on the procedure, we can cut down two to three visits into one day!


Emergency Tooth Replacement

If you had an accident and knocked out a tooth or have a tooth that needed to be extracted, our dental lab can create a temporary appliance on the same day so you don’t have to go without your tooth!

Ready to take the next step?

Give us a call at 559-441-7700 or book online:

Serving the Fresno Community for Over 50 Years

We do not accept Medi-Cal or Medicaid

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